Reflections on 23 Years: 4 Untold Realities of Launching a Creative Business

Embarking on the journey of a creative entrepreneur is a thrilling yet challenging experience, filled with unexpected twists and invaluable lessons. Looking back at my early days as a photographer, here are four things that no one warned me about when I first stepped into the world of creative business 23 years ago…

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Senior Portraits Shana Watkins Senior Portraits Shana Watkins

Graduation Ready: Booking Senior Sessions for the Class of 2025 – What You Need to Know

"Celebrate endings -- for they precede new beginnings." Jonathan Lockwood Huie
It's so hard to believe the Class of 2024 is entering the final stretch before graduation, and I can't wait to hear everyone's plans for next year. Along with this gorgeous soon-to-be graduate, I was lucky to photograph so many smart, fun and genuinely kind seniors this year…

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