Tuna salad sandwiches and family portraits because well…why not?🤷

Born in Buffalo, Missouri…

My great-grandma, deemed the “tomboy” of her sisters, labored alongside her Dad on the farm as the son he never had. She later went on to graduate high school in 1918, the same year as the Spanish Flu and during WWI.

It probably won't surprise you to hear she didn't have a high tolerance for foolishness, nor the need to keep it to herself, and I loved that about her.

She would pack us a bag full of tuna salad sandwiches for the long (and hilly) drive home. If you told her she didn't need to, that we could stop along the way, she would respond with a quick "Pshaw!" ⁠

It's the best small, southwestern Missouri town version of "nonsense," and I'm passing it on to you. ⁠

And here's how it applies to my family photography business and where I know Mama (pronounce Maw-maw) would have added her two-cents if she heard you say any of the following…

"I'll schedule something when I've lost 5/10/20 pounds." ⁠

"My kids won't cooperate."⁠

"We're just so busy."⁠

So to all this I say "Pshaw. Pshaw. Pshaw." I'm not having it, and if your great-grandparents are anything like mine, neither would they.

When this photo was taken of Mama, portraits were prized possessions. It didn't matter how old you were or whether you thought you were the right size with the perfect smile or hairstyle. It was important to be remembered.

If someone had told her that people should just focus on pictures of children, I think I know exactly what she would have said.

As a St Louis portrait photographer, I believe that the importance of capturing one's likeness throughout their lifetime cannot be understated. Contact me today to schedule your session!


It was a letter from my Grandpa, and I cried when I saw what was inside.


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